Thursday, May 10, 2012


Well, here goes nothing!

I have thought about setting up a blog for quite awhile, but always thought that there are so many people out there who the hell would want to read what I have to say! Well I don't really care if no-one reads this, I am writing this for myself. I realised recently that since becoming a real grown up (almost), with a job, bills to pay and more carbs in my kitchen presses than alcohol, that I have lost all the creative outlets I so enjoyed when I was younger. Now all my creative energy is being channeled into my wardrobe and my kitchen and to be honest I am not enjoying either.

My wardrobe is limited by where I work and how little I earn and my kitchen is limited by wanting to be able to fit into the clothes that I own! I enjoyed writing until it was ruined by the dreaded undergraduate thesis, I haven't even kept a diary since then it was such a soul wrenchingly awful experience.

Now with a "Confirmation Report" looming over me in work, it has made me think about my attitude to writing and why I have avoided it for the last 2 years! This is a challenge I am setting myself that will hopefully entertain a few people, if not, it will at least make me flex my writing muscle and get back in the groove.

All criticism is welcomed but please be kind and don't send me crying to my flatmate, asking where he hid the chocolate!

Talk to you in the comments!


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